Thursday, September 23, 2010

Officially A Boss

So I'm offically a boss. That's right. Official. Base housing came by to give us an abandoned car notice for Mr. Man's friend's car that we are storing while they are both deployed. I had 72 hours to move it before they come and tow it. It's parked right in front of our garage but policy IS policy I suppose whether I agree with it or not. To back up though, we are also storing another of Mr. Man's friend's belongings that happens to be a car frame. After I moved all the crap we have aquired to make room for the car and pull it in.. it still needs 6 more inches. CURSES! So I start over again. I call the storage center on base.. no availablity on base or out in town. So I put on my big girl panties and attempt again to make this car fit. So I attempt to turn the car frame around, *ATTEMPT* being the key word. OH! and then I saw the biggest spider of my entire life that is living in MY garage. I take one tire off...still doesn't fit. But now I can't move it with just the one tire on. Luckily, I'm two houses down to my FAVORITE former First Lady and her Mr. Man who ended up saving my butt. Long story short.. it finally fits.. and they: meaning my Mr. Man and his friends SERIOUSLY OWE me.

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